From reading thriller novels all summer vacation long to spending days doing “Netflix and chill”, the world has experienced a gigantic amount of changes in the last two decades. Somewhere in this madness, the essence of books is gone.
I miss those bygone days of reading books. It was like having a party with my own thoughts and feelings. Ipads or E-books are not exactly bad. They do the job for me but I miss the magic of reading books -the smell of ink and paper, cute little bookmarks and especially shelving them up after reading are some of the things that have been replaced in this digital world.
This pandemic gave me enough time to fill my heart with great literary works. So I decided to share some of my favorites novels of all time with you all. So here is a list of 5 books that one must read to develop a new frame of mind.
A Thousand Splendid Suns:

Khalid Hosseini’s “A Thousand Splendid Sons” is a book that will surely move you. The book has marvelously depicted the incidents, situations that were faced by the people of Afghanistan during the Taliban control. Set in the 1960s, this book draws a clear picture of how the political power suckers would exploit the Afghan people with their conservative and orthodox ideologies of the Soviet Union as well as the Taliban.
The book deals with the theme of ” Oppression and Hope”. Personal stories of hope, the deep desire for a calm and soundless day at home, the pity of war are outlined very thoughtfully by all the main characters of the novel.
The Five People You Meet In Heaven:

Published in 2003, ” The Five People You Meet In Heaven” is a narrative that expresses the irony of life and death in a way that is going to give one a new perspective about life. Mitch Albom has created a new world of his own where he gives meaning to hopeless lives. This book deals with the idea that the life given to you has a cause, and motivates us to look for it.
A Stranger In The Mirror:

Written in 1976, ” A Stranger In The Mirror” is a novel by Sidney Sheldon that illustrates the fleece of the Hollywood industry. It gives us an idea about what goes behind the glamour and the gaudiness of the movie fraternity and what it takes to cut a slice for yourself.
The book is one of the early works of Sheldon. His use of literary context is outstanding. This masterpiece unveils the entire spectrum of the industry. Sheldon has cleverly drawn the surface image of time and human nature.
Train To Pakistan:

Khushwant Singh’s ” Train To Pakistan” is a novel that has painted a picture of the diabolical ramifications of the India-Pakistan partition, post-colonial anxiety, power, and corruption. The book celebrates heroes who have gone to a huge extend for the country and their sacrifices.
Singh’s portrayal of the time period, condition of people, and most importantly the political structure of the country will definitely give you chills. If one wishes to get an idea about the post-colonial period, this particular novel is perfect fiction for that.
Science fiction of the late 19th century written by Mary Shelley, the novel gives an idea about experiments gone wrong and their outcomes. Readers find this novel extremely compulsive as it asks the right questions about creation and revenge. Furthermore, the novel also manifests the importance of family, love, and friends in life.
The above-stated books are my personal favorites. I believe that a good book always leaves a part of itself with you even after you have finished reading them. These are some of the books whose hangover will last longer than the upcoming long weekend.