As the graph of COVID-19 is rising again, parenting in home is becoming a important factor. Here are few tips to maintain a calmness at home.
Fear, uncertainty, and staying at home to halt the spread of COVID-19 can make it difficult for families to maintain a sense of calm. However, it is critical to assist youngsters in feeling safe, adhering to healthy routines, managing emotions and behaviour, and developing resilience.
(1) Day to day planning.
Create fresh daily schedules now that the old ones have been thrown out. When you can, break up your schoolwork. Older children and teens can assist with timetables, but they should stick to a general pattern, such as wake-up routines, getting dressed, breakfast, and some active play in the morning, followed by quiet play and a snack to transition into homework. Afternoon homework, lunch, housework, exercise, and some online social time with friends.
(2) Possitive discipline should be used
During a pandemic, everyone becomes more frightened and concerned. Younger children may lack the vocabulary to express their emotions. They’re more inclined to use their conduct to express their tension, anxiety, or dread (which can, in turn, upset parents, particularly if they are already stressed). Older children and teenagers may become irritable as a result of missing out on routine events and activities that they enjoy with their peers.
(3) Maintain contact with family and friends.
Children may also be concerned about a single grandparent or a relative or friend who is at risk of contracting COVID-19. When face-to-face encounters aren’t possible due to safety concerns, video conferencing can help.
(4) Quality bed time.
For younger children, try to maintain typical nighttime habits such as Book, Brush, and Bed. Place a family photo next to their bed for “extra love” until the morning. Bedtimes for older children and teens might vary, but it’s best to maintain them within a normal range so that the sleep-wake cycle isn’t disrupted. Learning and dealing with emotions become more difficult when you don’t get enough sleep. Remember to turn off your cell phone and other mobile gadgets an hour before you go to bed.
(5) Intimate time spending.
Set aside some particular time with each child, even if everyone is at home 24/7. Cooking, reading, or playing a favourite game are all possibilities. You decide on the time, and your child decides on the activity. Even if it’s only once every few days, your youngster will appreciate 10 or 20 minutes of your undivided attention. To avoid being distracted, turn off or put your phone on mute.
(6)Answer questions regarding the epidemic in a straightforward and honest manner.
Talk to your kids about any scary news they’ve heard. It’s fine to acknowledge when people are unwell, but tell them that taking precautions such as hand washing, wearing cloth face covers, and spending more time at home will help your family stay healthy.
(7) Make sure you look after yourself.
Caregivers should also ensure that they are physically well by eating well, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep. Find ways to unwind and take a rest. If you have more than one parent at home, take turns babysitting the kids.
(8) Redirect your attention.
Attention is a potent tool for reinforcing positive behaviour and discouraging negative ones. Noticing and appreciating good behaviour, as well as success and good tries. This can be aided by setting clear expectations, especially with older children. And know when not to response. Ignoring bad conduct can be an effective strategy to stop it if your child isn’t doing anything risky and receives praise for good behaviour.
(9) Physical punishment should be avoided
Physical punishment should be avoided at all costs. Spanking, beating, and other types of physical or “corporal” punishment are ineffective and can cause injury. Physical punishment can increase children’s hostility over time, fail to teach them how to behave or practise self-control, and even disrupt their natural brain development. Corporal punishment may rob a youngster of his or her sense of safety and security at home, which is particularly important now.