Are Facing an interview for the First time?? Feeling Nervous?? Here are the top 7 tips to crack one!


Interview, this word bring a type of goosebumps. When you are sitting in the waiting room and brainstorming your brain about what will happen next is a very crucial time and is hard to keep a balance in your overall personality as you are nervous to meet your interviewer and anticipate the further process.


As it is the first time you are appearing for a job interview, you will naturally feel very tensed. You are a fresher who has no experience of working in a company and maybe you have done some internships in past but that does not count in a job interview. In a job interview, face to face interaction which is PI is the only chance for you to create an impression and to impress them. But you must be thinking how can you overcome this fear and lead the interview with your full confidence? Here are 7 tips for you which will help to crack your first job interview with ease.

Know the company

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You must have a brief knowledge about the company and what business they follow. You must research about the business before hand which gives the interviewer an impression that you are interested in working with the company and have knowledge about the operation of the business. In the research you should remember about the company aim, function, vision, values, and mission.

The Introduction

The introduction plays a very important part in your entire interview as it creates the first impression and the interviewer gets to know you for the first time. This is the part where you need to cater the most to your interviewer as the more you can include qualities in your introduction the wider the spectrum of interview questions will be asked to. This wide spectrum of questions will help you to sell your personality more fluently and the interviewer will be impressed.

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“Tell me about yourself” – this is a very popular and favorite question to all the interviewers as this question asks everything you want to showcase in the interview. You must prepare the answer to this question beforehand and deliver the points in a short and crisp manner.

What can you offer?


You will be encountered with such questions in your interview. You must thoroughly know about the job responsibilities of the company and the position you are applying for. With those points you answer you must include instance where you have used that quality.

Act confident

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You should act confident without any hesitation as it is the key to impress the interviewer. It will be hard for you to be in your full confidence as it is the first time you are sitting in a job interview but you need to make believe your employer that you have it all together and you are perfectly fit for the job.

Never lie in your resume

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Whenever you include a lie in your resume or in the PI, it will backfire to you and will end the interview at that point. The interviewer sitting opposite to you have an ample amount of experience in taking interviews and they know when you are faking it. So you must keep the interview real and include those which you actually did.

Dress well


You must dress in actual formal clothes and should be well-groomed in an interview. The dress and your grooming standards speak about your personality and creates an impression about you.

Thankyou mail


Make sure you send a thankyou mail to the interviewer after the interview by expressing them how thankful you are for getting such opportunity weather you get selected or not.

These are some tips that you should follow to crack your first interview. All the best.

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