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Do you love suspense thriller movie? Then here is a master class film review for you Dracula sir (2020) …

Dracula sir

Hey guy’s what’s up! Hope you all good. So here I am again with you and this time I have some different kind of topic related to Movies you must watch! And also will give review every movie out of 5. And our first movie is a bengali movie, that is Dracula sir!!


In our first article of this topic series, I have a masterpiece film to you. If you guys are suspense or thriller movie lover or a psychological movie lover then you must watch the movie Darcula sir.

Don’t worry! You can watch this is two languages that are Bengali and Hindi at the others platform named as “Hoichoi”.

So before going the explanation of the movie I must say that I will not give you the details of the story! I am just here to give an idea about the story and the information by that you become willing to watch it. So don’t expect that I will tell you the whole story!

So let’s start..

DRACULA SIR characters

Dracula sir

In this movie there is one main character and he is the hero, Anirban Bhattacharya.
He has played two characters here named as Raktim and Amol Som.
The second lead character is Manjuri which is played by Mimi Chocroborty.

Besides of these so many characters are there.

FACT 1 Dracula Sir

In 2021—
Basically in this movie Dracula sir, the main character Raktim has a problem in his life. He has two big yard teeth in his upper mouth and that’s why everyone called him as “Dracula sir”. He lives in a house as penguest. He is a temporary Bengali teacher in a school.
Once his senior told him that a film director is looking for a man for a roll of Dracula. He also said Raktim to go and meet with the director.

Raktim went and after so many disturbing of his mind he agreed.

But in the shooting spot Raktim has to play a role to put his teeth into the neck of the heroine and in time he did it for real.

And there the story are beginning. Raktim becomes a wanted man for the film team and police also.


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In 1971—
The other side there are a character named as Amol som who is a revolutionary of Bengal and running away from police. After that he came to his ex girlfriend Manjuri’s house to take shelter.

Manjuri is married and her husband is no more. She loves Amol still now and that’s why she gives him all protection to hide from police.


This movie has 7 different chapters. Seven chapters, seven part of story.

The two generations 1971 and 2020 are going on at the same way. This is the main moto of this film.



Raktim thinks himself as the present form of Amol som. He believes he was Amol som in 1971 and now he borns again as Raktim.

Also Raktim gives a strong sense that he can see Manjuri with himself. She is helping him always to hide from police.
And in 1971, Amol had a pistol and now he has his yard teeth as weapon.


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When police caught Raktim in 2020 and also Amol in 1971 the story begins it’s suspense.

After seeing Raktim’s behavior, psychiatric said that Raktim has Schizophrenia and he is a mental patient.


After all the completion at the end of the movie Raktim becomes mentally well slowly slowly.
He started to believe in present time and believe that he is not Amol som.

But then at the end scene he find real Manjuri’s house in Kolkata and when he entered he invented a shocking news!
Also he saw a picture of Manjuri with her husband and started to think again, Is he ill? Or he born again? Or Manjuri is an evil?…

If you want to know then go and watch Dracula Sir.

So guys the Movie explaining is done and now the time for giving stars out of 5.

Well I would like to give 4.5 star to the movie Dracula Sir.
And I hope you guys like this article…Thank you

