The abnormal or mammoth accumulation of fat among children is known as childhood obesity which involves a good number of health risks. Previously, obesity was a high-income country’s problem but now the increase in number can be seen in the impoverished countries as well.
The number on the weighing scale is an important thing for our society. Men, women even children get deduced to the continuous taunts of society. Even though it is completely one’s choice to be fat or thin but still the people around you will always poke their noses in matters that don’t concern them.
Childhood obesity comes with a number of consequences. It affects the health as well as the mind of the child. School is not a place for fun to them as most obese kid in school are considered as “weird” and they get bullied by others. It creates a gigantic amount on pressure on a Child’s mind and on his or her studies.

Obesity is the result of a continuous unhealthy lifestyle. Eating fried food, playing video games all day, and most importantly not performing any sort of physical exertion results in this medical condition where a person starts to develop lumpiness in the body.
If your child shares an unhealthy relationship with food then it is a thing to worry about for all parents. Many children tend to hide their hidden emotions and stuff them up with food. It is quite similar to what adults call alcohol or drug addiction where an adult tries to escape from some sort of agony through intoxication.
Problems in the house, parental problems, lack of proper attention from parents can lead a child to anxiety or depression that the child thinks he or she is not good enough which leads them to this path of slow destruction. Of course, food addiction is not as harmful as drug or alcohol addiction but it does come with a number of health issues. Early symptoms of diabetes, cholesterol, and high blood pressure are a few of the issues that overweight children might experience in their glory days of childhood. There is also a greater deal of psychological problems, such as poor self esteem and lack of confidence that can be seen in children that are considered over-weight.
Overcoming obesity as a child:

Weight loss is not always a good approach for children as it is the time when their bodies are changing. It is very important to take advise from a nutrition practitioner, before putting your child on diet. But as a parent there are a few things that one must do so that they can protect their child from all the vulnerabilities that this world has to offer.
- PROMOTE A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE: Parents and caregivers must understand the value of a balanced diet. The proper amount of vitamins and protein are important for the growth of a child. Eating healthy snacks, having less sugar and oil is valuable when children are trying to cut off weight.
- MOTIVATE TO WORK OUT: When a child is trying to change his or her life around, it is very important to be motivating for your child. Include your child in household activities. Gift them things that will promote physical activity. And most importantly limit computer and videogame time.
Children are the future of the world. As adults, it is our responsibility to make it as easy as possible for them to overcome the hardships of life. In today’s fast-food craze world, making our child understand the benefit of eating proper vitamin-infused food is essential so that one can choose for themselves what is right and what is not.

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