Animal cruelty, often known as animal abuse, animal neglect, or animal cruelty, is the intentional or unintentional infliction of misery or harm on any animal by humans.
Countless cats, dogs, and other animals suffer and die every day at the hands of those who are supposed to protect and care for them. Many animals face physical aggression, emotional abuse, and life-threatening neglect on a regular basis. Their only hope is for someone to intervene before it’s too late. Continue reading to learn about some typical forms of cruelty and what you can do to prevent them.

Hoarding: An Abhorrent Habit
Animal hoarders aren’t just people who have a few too many pets; they’re people whose mental illness or compulsion can lead to illegal behaviour that has devastating implications for animals, their families, and their communities. Hoarders can be found in almost any community and are of any socioeconomic background, gender, or educational level. Hoarders who operate under the cover of “shelters” or “rescues” are becoming an increasingly widespread and disturbing trend. Hundreds of sick, malnourished, wounded, dying, and dead animals have been discovered during raids on these types of institutions.
Animals are frequently confined to tiny cages or boxes that are stacked on top of one another by hoarders. Hoarders’ homes often have accumulated faeces and urine, which can lead to dangerously high ammonia levels, which can burn skin, eyes, and lungs. In these congested conditions, parasite infestations and illness epidemics spread swiftly. If food and water are provided at all, they are frequently insufficient.

Stopping the Cruelty
Animal abusers are cowards who take their frustrations out on the most helpless victims available, and their cruelty frequently spans species lines. Animal abusers are more likely to repeat their crimes and perpetrate comparable misdeeds against members of their own species, according to psychology and criminology research. “The connection” is how law enforcement and humane experts refer to this occurrence. For the sake of everyone’s safety, law enforcement officials and communities must take animal cruelty cases seriously and ensure that animal abusers are properly tried and imprisoned.
People who abuse animals are five times more likely to commit violent crimes against humans, according to a study performed by Northeastern University and the Massachusetts SPCA in the United States. The FBI’s behavioural profiles of criminals have consistently revealed that many serial killers and rapists tortured animals as children. According to many surveys, up to 50% of all
Many well-known killers, such as Mary Bell, Robert Thompson, and Jon Venables, as well as serial killers Ian Huntley, Thomas Hamilton (the Dunblane massacre), Fred West, Dennis Nilsen, Ian Brady, and Raoul Moat, began their careers by torturing animals.
Animals are frequently victims in homes when there is domestic violence. Many batterers use their animals to try to control their victims, such as a partner or spouse. The RSPCA discovered that animal cruelty was prevalent in 20% of their high-risk assessments. Many human victims of domestic violence are hesitant to leave because they are concerned about what will happen to their animals if they are not present to protect them. That is why it is critical for social service, animal welfare, and government agencies to collaborate in order to safeguard all domestic violence victims.

When we read about people who intentionally maim, abuse, or kill animals, it’s easy to feel hopeless. But, just as cruelty and cowardice are the root causes of such behaviour, it takes strength and kindness to overcome it.
It is critical to begin teaching children to empathise with other living beings at a young age, both in school and through leading by example. Kind parents who go above and above to aid animals in need can influence future generations to make humane decisions, as can educational institutions. When PETA learns of appalling incidences of animal cruelty committed by children, we frequently send “kindness kits” to local schools, which include resources to assist teachers with humane education. We also have free classroom resources available, which you can find here.
Speaking up when you feel an animal is being hurt takes guts. Please notify your local police and/or the RSPCA immediately if you suspect an animal is in danger. PETA frequently provides a prize to encourage people to come forward with information when the authorities are investigating acts of cruelty. On a more positive side, we honour compassionate individuals who go above and above to assist animals with our “Hero to Animals” Award.