So guys in part one I already told the all information about Top surgery of FTM surgery and hormones treatment and their side effects.
And today I will tell you the Hystero surgery and bottom surgery. So before start I want to say that I am not a specialist, it’s all about my research and interviews taken from some Transmale.

See, it’s basically about a non famous part of FTM surgery. Because many of Transman are not known to it.
Hystero surgery is about to remove the Ovary and Uterus from the body.
It’s basically two types. One is by cutting the bottom part of body from the navel to the vagina and remove it by surgically.
Another one is by Laparoscopy. It is happened by the specific surgent. They remove the Ovary and Uterus from the vagina through entering a camera inside.
Laparoscopy is more expensive but I suggest you to do it. It has many advantages like —
It takes less time to recover.
There will no scar on you body.
It will not that much painfull.
There is no side effects.
Hystero surgery is not that much important but still it is a part of FTM surgery because by this surgery when the Ovary and Uterus have been removed then the female hormones will stop growing in your body and the male hormone will effect fast and better.
So hope you understand it. Let’s go the bottom surgery now.
See guys Bottom surgery is one of the toughest surgery in this medical science. It was very risky once. People have to sign a bond paper before entering the OT.
But don’t be scared! It was risky but now this is very handy for so many doctors. Because there are now lot of surgeries happening all the day. Yes, a bond paper is ready infront of you always but it is just a formality. Everything will fine.
Bottom surgery for FTM surgery has two types.
One is, Metaidioplasty,
another one is, Phalloplasty.
Metoidioplasty is about the organic penis. I am not telling you the brief details about surgery now. I just guide you about the information.
Metaidioplasty is the organic penis. It has two part. It basically about from your vagina a real penis will made by the surgent and it will grow slowly slowly by the hormones effect.
But it has complications.
Metaidioplasty penis is the smallest. It will around 2/3 inches.
But yes it is real. It is real penis and you can feel it.
Look guys I personally don’t refer the Phalloplasty surgery.
It’s because this surgery is all about a handmade penis by you own skin, taken from you hand or your thighs and then input in your body and close the vagina.
This surgery has also two parts.
I don’t refer it because, this is not organic. Yes you can choose the size of your penis but it has some negative point according to me, like ..
It is not organic
It is more expensive than Meta.
It takes more time to recover.
It takes skin from you hand and thigh, which mark a big scar and that is most irritating and embarrassing thing.
And also I should tell you that some people are scared about bottom surgery. They have so many doubts and wrong information. But no, there nothing to scare and therr is no other side effect on it.
So hope you guys understand. Today’s blog is about FTM surgery end here. I will tell more and more information about it. Till then give me feedback. Thank you…