Rabindranath Tagore- The 1st Indian who won the Noble Prize in...

Rabindranath Tagore is a national as well as an international figure forepart leading the whole world. Rabindranath Tagore was the adolescent son of Devendranath Tagore....

The fortune temple that worships Time: Sun Temple, 35 km away...

I was only three years old when I first visited the Konark Sun Temple in Orissa. I was startled when I first realize that...

“Satyajit Ray” : 4 things you should definitely know about the...

Satyajit Ray is the greatest figure of not only Indian but world cinema. He was also an eminent writer, lyricist, and known to...

Meditation: 4 reasons it can be an amazing cure for your...

Meditation, something amazing for your inner soul and eternal peace. Check out the article below to know more about meditation and it's importance. What is...

“1st June-Global Parents Day” Parents to be Valued and Celebrated!!

1 June has been broadcasted as Global Day of Parents by the United States, to praise guardians all over the world It is a day...

“Happiness: It’s good to be Happy” But how? Let’s check 7...

Being happy is related with a series of positive feelings. So, in order to break out of the sadness trap, break it with activities...

Peer pressure: its harmful and helpful sides + how do you...

What is peer pressure? Often your friends knowingly or unknowingly influence you to try out something- obviously, it could be fun to try new things...

“YouTube and the variety of channels”: The 4 types of YouTube...

What is YouTube? YouTube is a video-sharing medium that was first introduced in 2005 when YouTube's co-founder shared his zoo visit video. Soon after the...

“The Hemis Gompa Festival of Ladakh” Know 10 facts related with...

The Hemis Gompa Monastery is a Drupka Lineage Himalayan Buddhist monastery (Gompa) in Hemis, Ladakh, India. Hemis observes a poignant commemoration in his honour. The Hemis festival takes place in the rectangular courtyard in front of the monastery's main entrance. It is a festival that upholds the diversity of our country, thus it definitely deserves to...

“Kabir Das”: The amazing story of a 15th century Indian poet!!

"Moko Kahan Dhundhere BandeMein To Tere Paas MeinNa Teerath Mein, Na Moorat MeinNa Ekant Niwas Mein"Kabir Das English translation: "Where do you search me?I am with...

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