Farm Bill- 2020 is a frenzy for our nation.

The Indian agriculture act 2020 often referred as the "Farm Bill", the three acts initiated by the parliament of our country in September 2020....

Terrorism: A cowardice act!

“How can you have a war on terrorism when war itself is terrorism?”Howard Zinn Terrorism is the act of using force or violence against any...

Stop Human Trafficking! We Are Not Up For Sale.

Even though slavery was abominated fifty years ago, it seems that history always finds a way to repeat itself. Human slavery is found in...

“Domestic violence in India”- Reasons and Preventions!!

Domestic violence in India includes physical and mental abuse. The behavior one puts forcibly towards someone to establish power and control can be called...

Deforestation is one of the main concerns of the present age!!...

Nowadays we are very much familiar with the word Deforestation!! What is it?? What are it's causes?? How to control?? Let's have a look!!...

‘A walk to remember 12 months story’ : A fast flash...

Good bye to the year 2020. A new morning with new year jingles. New Year sounds quite refreshing and delightful. Each one of us...

Politicians should have maintain certain boundaries!! What are they??

In sum, politicians may experienced both external and internal barries to free speech potencially affecting whether they engage in controversial issues in the public...

“Environmental effects of plastic pollution”:- Reduce the use of Plastics!!

At present, the biggest enemy of our environment is plastic pollution. Plastic is having a huge impact not only on plants and animals...

‘Leadership is not about the next election, it’s about the next...

Being a social leader is first of all, acknowledging that there is a team of people responsible for the creation and implementation of all...

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