The Covid 19 pandemic has shaken the world to its core. It seems that the future is doomed at this point, and absolutely nothing will ever fall in the right place again. The balance of nature is lost. Humankind has to move on with life no matter what happens. As human beings, we believe it to be our job to advance to the future. But the pandemic has affected our livelihood to a great extend. So much so that it seems like the normal times are never coming back. This is why I believe it is time for us to somewhat get accustomed to the ‘new normal’ as these things are going to last.
This article has been written on account of personal experience and it might differ from others. My entire family and I have recently recovered from Covid 19 and the following tips are helping us go through the post-diagnosis period.
So, if you are suffering from Covid 19 or have recently recovered from the disease then this particular article is for you.

Hydration: The most important of all is to properly hydrate yourself every day. It is very important to continuously drink water or sip some energy drink all the time during the recovery process so that the body doesn’t relapse due to the lack of water. One of the few symptoms that we experienced is diarrhea so in those cases it is crucial to drink an ample amount of fluids to avoid dehydration.
Consumption of Vitamin and Zinc: The disease itself has no medicine or cure so far. The real concern of the virus is that it affects the immune system so much that your body loses the ability to fight even small infections. During the time of recovery, our body needs more and more nutrients to continuously fight the unwanted. It is absolutely necessary to have Vitamins C and Vitamin D with Zinc every day for a minimum of 3 months for your body to rejuvenate and develop a strong immune system.

Balanced Diet: One of the most difficult things while recovering from covid 19 is the lack of taste and smell. Food only tastes salty and smells nothing. During this period having a proper meal with a good amount of protein is highly recommended. Chicken fish and pulses are some of the food items that must be regularly eaten, and it is also important to avoid red meat or any fatty substances during these times. Those who don’t eat non-veg should have daal and soybean every day.
Regular Exercise: This option is only for those who have already recovered from Covid 19. I would not recommend exercise to anybody presently suffering as that will dehydrate the body even more and can cause further complications. The ones who have already recovered must work out at least for half an hour. This will not only help to gather strength but also free your mind, release dopamine and make you happy while you are feeling lonely in quarantine.

There are a few other things that should be kept in mind while recovering from Covid 19.
Among them, one is staying positive and keeping the nerves cool. Positivity is the key to all locks of life so in these hard times it is important to keep the mind fresh. Staying in quarantine can also lead to the deficiency of Vitamin D as we remain inside of our house all the time. It is important to come in contact with direct sunlight to avoid that. People who have already recovered can go out of their houses and walk around their locality and the ones that are recovering can go to the terrace if possible.
Remember sitting inside a dark room and eating fried chicken will not give you immunity to fight so act smart eat proper food and don’t associate yourself with information that is not verified.
I hope the ‘normal’ comes back as soon as it can.
Avoid going out, but if u really have to go out then please wear a mask and carry hand sanitizer because precaution is always better than cure.
Read the below stated article to know more about the disease.
Keeping everyone in my prayers.