7 Scientifically proved benefits of lemon water.

These days, lemon water is in vogue due to it's amazing health benefits. Here are few scientifically proved benefits of lemon water. These days, lemon...

7 Effective ways at home to control hypertension in aged people.

Due to unhealthy food consumption about 70% middle aged people suffers from hypertension. Here are few ways to control hypertension easily. The power with which...

Top 10 spellbinding places in Bali.

We all know about the incredible beauty of Bali. Here are few most attractive spots of Bali. Bali is one of the most beautiful and...

5 Amazing benefits of having pets at home.

The cuteness and loyalty of pets fascinates all of us. Here are few advantages of pets which will absolutely tempt you to have...

Is dancing more effective than walking? Here are few effective guide...

When it comes to weight loss strategies, the weight loss fever has spread like wildfire, and no stone is left unturned. People wanting to...

Non-vegetarian? Overweight? Regular health issues? Depression? achieve these “8 serious solutions”...

Excessive consumption of nonvegetarian food is becoming the prime reason of heart attack, obesity, cholesterol and many other fatal diseases these days. Here are...

4 old and iconic eateries in Kolkata that is serving thousands...

Kolkata being a prime city is surrounded by thousands of eateries all around. Among them few are very old and iconic eateries in Kolkata...

Explore the 4 royal and magnificent places of Delhi this winter.

Explore the royal, magficient and exotic Delhi this winter. Here are few must visiting place of Delhi. Delhi is both a union territory and a...

Which one is good for health? Red wine or white wine?...

Almost all of us are having stereotypical ideas regarding wine. Hear are few amazing advantages of red and white wine which you never thought...

4 Incredible bengali food that will make you lick your fingers.

The greatest festival of Bengali, Durga Puja is knocking at the door. In this four days of puja all bengali's eat drink and be...

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