Laughter and Health: 9 ways laughing is extremely important for your...

Laughter is the best medicine; atleast for a large number of problems in your life. Laughing in good humor can instantly spread positivity within...

Without brain can a child live? After 6 years the report...

Brain, the main engine of human body. Hey guy's what's up! Hope you all good. So here I am again with another intresting topic related...

Why should you lead a vegan lifestyle

Nowadays, the phrase vegan has become really popular. More individuals have chosen a vegan diet for moral, environmental, and health reasons increasingly. If anyone...

Drug Abuse : A Social Illness of India.

The rate of stress and depression is increasing among the youngsters resulting in drug consumption. This article is to aware the young generation about...

“Hotel over the waves of water”: Best Floating hotel in the...

Planning a holiday this summer? Want to try something new? How about living on the water! Sounds like a joke? Floating hotels or 'Floatels' have been...

Are you Sick???? Look at these 9 Healthy, Nourishing and Quick...

Sick, ohhh!!!! No one like to here a word sick. This marks that your body is not healthy and supporting you to work efficiently....

3 Awesome Desserts to Fall in Love With!

To satisfy your craving for sweet dishes or just impress your guests on a weekend dinner, sweet desserts can be your solution. Here are...

Explore top 4 holiday destinations in India this Durga Puja.

The greatest festival of Bengali, Durga Puja is knocking at the door. And this time Navratri too is celebrated all over India. So this...

Are you in Stress?? Eat healthy and Not To worry!! Here...

A healthy life is desired by all , a hectic life is quite common these days and so is stress. A busy schedule usually can...

7 Scientifically proved benefits of lemon water.

These days, lemon water is in vogue due to it's amazing health benefits. Here are few scientifically proved benefits of lemon water. These days, lemon...