Obesity in children and teenagers is a major medical problem that affects them. It’s especially concerning because the excess pounds can lead to health issues that were traditionally considered adult issues, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. This informative article will help parents to be aware of Obesity.
In recent years, the number of overweight children in a has risen, with a quarter of youngsters classified as overweight or obese. Obesity in children is caused by poor eating habits, a lack of physical activity, and family eating patterns.
This alarming increase in the number of overweight youngsters is concerning since it creates health issues and can lead to societal issues. Children who are overweight are more likely to be ridiculed by their peers, develop low self-esteem, and have body image issues. It takes a lot of effort and commitment for children to get back to a healthy weight if they are overweight.
Children’s obesity and overweight are among the most serious threats to both long and short-term health. Obese children are more likely to grow up to be obese adults.
In many nations, including the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia, rates of childhood obesity are rising at alarming rates. One in every five children and adolescents in Australia is overweight or obese.
The number of overweight 7–15 year olds nearly quadrupled between 1985 and 1995. Obese children have more than tripled in number. By 2020, it is expected that 65 percent of young Australians would be overweight or obese, based on current trends.

Obesity risk factors in children
Unused energy (kilojoules) is stored in the form of body fat. You must use (or ‘burn’) the energy from the meals you eat to maintain a healthy weight. If you consume more calories than you expend, your body will store the excess as fat.
The following are some of the factors that can lead to children becoming overweight or obese:
(1) Food choices — they include selecting high-fat, high-sugar foods over healthier alternatives.
(2) Physical inactivity – Australian youngsters are less active than in previous generations.
(3) Sedentary behaviour – On average, Australian children watch over 212 hours of television each day, in addition to spending time on computers and other electronic games. These diversions appear to be displacing vigorous pursuits.
(4) Parents who are overweight – a family’s eating habits can have a big impact on whether or not a child stays at a healthy weight. Some obese parents may be less anxious than healthy-weight parents about their children being obese.
(5) Genetics – extreme childhood obesity is caused by a number of rare gene diseases. In many other people, a combination of genes makes some youngsters more likely to become obese. If there is a history of obesity in the family, parents must be even more vigilant about choosing good eating choices for the entire family.

(2) Obesity is linked to a variety of health issues.
In maturity, the majority of the health issues linked to obesity will become apparent. Children frequently exhibit early symptoms of these eventual issues.
Obese children may face the following health risks:
Type 2 diabetes – while most typically found in adults, it is now also being diagnosed in children eating disorders such as bulimia or binge eating orthopaedic disorders – abnormalities with foot structure
respiratory disorders, such as clogged airways and constraints in the chest wall, which induce dyspnea during exercise liver abnormalities, including fatty liver respiratory disorders, such as blocked airways and restrictions in the chest wall
sleep apnoea — a sleeping breathing disorder. Snoring, frequent waking, and poor sleep are all symptoms of this condition. Cardiomyopathy – a condition with the heart muscle produced when more effort is required to pump blood – causes people to feel weary and adds to poor attention during the day.
Youngsters who are overweight or obese as children are more likely to remain overweight or obese as adolescents and adults. Approximately 80% of obese teenagers will grow up to be fat adults.
(3) Obese children and teenagers face social issues.
Obesity has a significant impact on how youngsters perceive themselves and interact with others. Obese teenagers are more likely to have low self-esteem, which can affect other parts of their lives such as friendship development and academic performance.Obesity in childhood or adolescence raises the risk of a variety of diseases and problems in maturity, whether or not the adult is obese. Before children become adults, it’s critical to recognise the problem and begin treatment. Obesity and overweight should ideally be avoided.