Home Lifestyle Health & Fitness What are impacts of involving Medical Technologies within Treatments for providing better...

What are impacts of involving Medical Technologies within Treatments for providing better treatments to Patients??? Let’s have a look at some exciting advantages, disadvantages and ethical responsibilities for involving medical technologies in health care organizations (2021)!!!


Health care management is an essential factor as it allows health care in providing disruption less service to their patients. Involvement of medical technologies within healthcare often increases the efficiency and reduces human errors at time of service provision.


Analysis of stakeholders on the perspective of medical technology utilization


Health care organizations include different types of stakeholders’ for instance internal stakeholders and external stakeholders. Internal stakeholders of this health care organization are health workers. On the other hand, external stakeholders of this health care organization are- patients and investors. Involvement of medical technologies within providing services has an important impact on the stakeholders of this organization. Health workers of a health care organization generally provide service to patients so that they can be able to reduce their mistake occurrence and followed by able to increase their efficiency within this organization.

In this account, health workers of this health care organization can gain benefits by increasing motivational power as well as increasing job satisfaction for involving medical technologies for instance robotic check up and Electronic Aspirin within this health care. 

Apart from that external stakeholders also can get advantages from these medical technologies. Patients often can get painless treatments due to the involvement of medical technologies within this health care organization such as  “needle free diabetes care” and virtual reality.  Besides that, due to involve medical technologies and thereby innovation, Health care organizations has created an interest among the investors, and investors of this company can gain benefits by increasing their share value within this organization and by gaining profits in the Global stock market.

Benefits of utilizing medical technology within health care organization for treating patients


Health care organizations have gained a high amount of benefits by implementing medical technologies. Medical technologies often can provide benefits to health care organizations by developing a high quality of patient care and improving the public health. Health care organizations have increased its efficiency in treating patients by utilizing medical technologies. Health care organizations also have utilized medical technologies for improving its system such as keeping a record of all patients, advanced communication with patients and doctors, and reducing working pressure of health workers.

These health care organizations can keep records of all patients by cloud computing and big data analysis. Work pressure of health workers has decreased within health care organizations by involving effective medical technologies within treatment like “Electronic IV monitor”, “Drug management technology” and MR System. These beneficial technologies have reduced the workload of health workers by working with an automotive mode for treating patients.

Health care organizations have been able to induce its treatment quality and productivity by 40% by using these medical technologies. For example, medical technologies, for instance, 3D Painting helps in establishing soluble and long-lasting

medicines, on the other hand, medical technologies like Artificial Organs assist this health care organization in treating patients with hand and leg damage. Apart from that, this health care organization also get advantages by surviving patients without wasting times by developing advanced communication system with patients and doctors so that doctor can come with just one click of patients.

Challenges of involving medical technology within health care organization


Health care organizations have faced different kinds of challenges due to the impact of using medical technologies. Health care organizations can suffer from a lack of budget and wrong reports of patients. Health care organizations has experienced a lack of budget due to a high amount of excessive cost of medical technologies so that this health care organization further has suffered from inadequate treatment provided to patients because of lack of budget.

For an excessive cost of medical technologies, health care organizations often are facing disruption within treatments for not bearing the cost of these technologies. Medical technologies often provide wrong reports due to its yield percentage and lack of software up gradation which can bring grave danger for both patients and this health care organization. This health care organization also has been the victim of providing wrong reports to patients and thereby a high amount of major issue has taken place for providing incorrect treatments to patients.

Ethical responsibilities for using medical technologies

Health care organizations always follow some ethical responsibilities for using medical technologies. Involving ethical responsibilities for utilizing medical technologies is a vital factor that helps it in preventing major issues. Health workers of this health care organization always maintain the safety measures and guidelines at the time of using medical technological devices. These health workers further use these medical technologies carefully for increasing their capability. Health care organizations also maintain privacy and security of these technological devices for securing confidential data of patients.

Recognition of different types of medical technology that can be used in the future

As per the basis of rapid improvement of medical science, different kinds of medical technologies can be identified which would use for medical purpose in future. From the research, Mixed reality, recreation cyborgs, and brain computers would use in future for medical purposes and helps in reducing the limitation area of medical science.

Health care organizations can use mixed reality for treating blind patients for providing their eyesight back more effectively. Health care also can utilize Recreation Cybrogs for resolving physical injuries like hand or leg cut by providing metal replacement of these. Health care systems further can implement advanced medical technology brain computers for surviving the patient of brain paralyze as they can sense everything with the help of computer device.

From the discussion, present study can conclude that medical technologies help Health care organizations in a high amount for providing effective treatments to patients. From the stakeholder analysis, this assessment has found that these medical technologies assist health workers in reducing their workload and aid patients in providing painless treatments.

“Electronic IV monitor”, “Drug management technology” and MR System are effective medical technologies that help health workers in providing better treatment to their patients. However, mixed reality, recreation cyborgs, and brain computers are advanced medical technologies that can use in the future for medical purposes.
