What is E-waste; its hazards, and how to manage? Find out...

What is E-waste? E waste stands for Electronic Waste. It mainly consists discarded electronic equipment that has either become obsolete or broken. In today's world,...

Why vehicle maintenance is important? Here are 5 steps you must...

In our present modern world, almost everyone has a vehicle of their own. Owning a personal vehicle has been so important especially after the...

“YouTube and the variety of channels”: The 4 types of YouTube...

What is YouTube? YouTube is a video-sharing medium that was first introduced in 2005 when YouTube's co-founder shared his zoo visit video. Soon after the...

“Organ Donation : Life After Your Death” Here are 4 ways...

Organ donation is undoubtedly a noble duty. After our death, our internal organs also get destroyed with our earthly remains. But, by donating organs...

“Technology and Social Change”: Circulation of social life around modern technology!!...

In the social atmosphere we live in, the application of scientific knowledge to the development of tools to solve specific problems is known as...

Here are 10 bad habits of unsuccessful people that you should...

"Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts."Winston S. Churchill Success can obviously mean reaching a certain point...

Nasa Perseverance Mission will take Mankind a step closure to colonize...

Introduction Space has remained a center of curiosity and mystery for quite a handful of people. Starting from just researching the outer reaches, now we...

Latest technology “Cloud Computing “:- Beginners guide for understanding concepts of...

There is a very well known name in the software world nowadays and that is cloud computing. But the cloud here has nothing...

“Social media Tools”:- What tools do you use to maintain social...

Social media is combination of websites and applications that enable users to create and share or to participate in social networking. Definition Why is it...

Renewing your car insurance?? Read these 6 things before you do...

Under the Motor Vehicles Act 1988, it is mandatory to renew your car insurance policy. As most of the car insurance companies provide the...

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