Today is World Wind Day. Each year on 15th June, the entire world used to observe this day. It is quite similar as World No Tobacco Day, World blood Donor day, World Oceans day and so on. World Wind Day is not only just celebrated for a casual reason, it also has a solid reason for celebrating it. Similar to other day which used to be observed in an international level, World Wind Day is also be observed on an international day based on a few things.
Actually, among any other sources, wind is considered to be one of the most sustainable renewable energy source. This day is mainly observed in order to make understand the entire world that wind is also a necessary source in every human life. Basically, World Wind Day is decided in order to explore the power of wind energy as it helps in decarbonizing our society and even help in boosting growth.
You may know nothing related to this topic so in order to make you understand regarding why this day is specially celebrated on 15th June we are going to discuss this article. So try on to read till the end together much more information regarding it which will give you a proper shaped knowledge.
What is the wind?

Wind is nothing but a natural movement of air or other types of gases which is related to the earth surface. Wind can actually occur in a specific range between light breezes to different natural hazards, such as tornadoes and hurricanes. There are basically three types of wind : Primary Wind, Secondary Wind, Tertiary Wind. The major cause of the occurrence of wind is the uneven heating of the two regions.
History Behind Celebrating World Wind Day :

Approximately in the year 2007, the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) was the first to announced celebration of the first World Wind Day. In the year 2009, European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) joined their hands with the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC), and since that year each year this day is used to be observed on a global level. The primary goal was to celebrate this day is to make understand people regarding importance of wind by observing discrete events. Even in the past, such events were held by different countries in order to raise public awareness.
Significance Of This Day :

This specific day i.e., World Wind Day is not only observed to make understand and individual people regarding its importance, but it also places and important role in the development of different countries’ economic growth, by producing different jobs, mainly which are related or having a relation with the power sector. Hence, economic expansion leads to the creation of more varieties and numbers of jobs.
We all know that global warming is really creating a threat for the entire world, in order to protect the entire planet making use of such useful renewable energy sources such as wind is very much important. It has been identified that among all other renewable energy sources, wind energy is considered to be one of the most widely employed source. Different corporations and towns used to hold unique event and program related to World Wind Day, which might include different educational seminars, field visits to wind farms and turbine demonstrations.
Theme For This Year :

Every year in order to observe the specific day fixed kind of theme used to be selected based upon which every event used to be observed. For this year ‘the celebration and appreciation of wind energy and its benefits’ theme has been chosen based upon which the entire world is going to observe this day.
Hope this was enough to provide information regarding this day. Let us know your opinion regarding it.
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