Maheshpur : calling nature lovers
We travel far and wide to enjoy Nature. But there are often beautiful natural places close to our home also. But either we ignore them, or we do not have awareness about it, true to an adage, “A prophet is not honored in his own country.” I am telling all this as recently, I learned that hardly three kilometers from my dwelling place, there is a place called Maheshpur, full of greenery. But I was unaware of it. One day while sitting idly and surfing google, I located Maheshpur.
Visit to Maheshpur

Nothing could stop us on Monday as my son Saikat gets a weekly off on that day. So we reached Maheshpur on our two-wheeler.
Description of Maheshpur
I could not believe my eyes that there is a place in my hometown Chandannagar, where I could enjoy Nature’s divergence at its best. The vastness of Nature would stir your soul.
I love Nature, but I get enraptured and at a loss for words when I see Mother Nature in her best form. I am not a poet or writer who can describe Nature romantically with the stream of beautiful words flowing out of his pen. But yes, I feel the beauty of Mother Nature from the depths of my heart.
Vast silence, vast area, vast trees of mangoes, bananas, and extensive vegetation is features of Maheshpur. Wherever you run your eyes on the vast land of Maheshpur, you will see only greenery.
Sometimes you can look into the vast stretch of trees, shrubs, and herbs around and lose yourself in Nature. Else, you can be enthralled by the charm and beauty of the enormous mango trees or the green banana plants. Either way, Nature fills your heart with unimaginable joy.

Although the place looks deserted here, Nature has kept this place alive in every detail. In between, you will see village folk beaming with innocence, carrying loads of wood. Some farmers are working in the field. On the other hand, my young engineer turned journalist son Saikat is busy making a vlog.
And yes, while enjoying the cold weather, some young people have a fun picnic in a corner, even though they have drinks. Boozing may disrupt the overall good environment of the place. But people have their priorities for entertainment. Who am I to say or thrust upon my opinion?
And yes, I forgot to mention that sometimes you can even see a peacock here. But, unfortunately, luck didn’t smile upon us that day, and we didn’t sight a peacock.

Time for parting
While enjoying the beautiful experience of Nature, we did not realize how time passed. It was evening soon, and darkness started slowly taking over. Yet, we didn’t feel like leaving the place. But the compulsion of time and the ongoing Covid restrictions also drove us to leave the site early.

It was a bit cold that day. Therefore, after enjoying sips of hot tea from a stall on Delhi Road, we headed home.
Maheshpur is indeed a lovely place. So if you ever get a chance, definitely come with your family or friends. You will surely return with peace and happiness to your mind. So I urge those who live near Chandannagar, Chinsurah, Bhadreswar, or Hooghly, Sreerampur, Baidyabati, etc., to enjoy Maheshpur and Nature.
Nature is the best form of therapy. And the best thing about Maheshpur is you have to do nothing, just come here, roam around. Walk some distance, and you can hike to explore the best things about Nature here. I wonder how such a fantastic place remains hidden in a place like Chandannagar. The area has the potential to elevate into a tourist spot. It’s time for Government to ponder over the development of Maheshpur.