World No Tobacco Day, each year on 31st May, this used to be celebrated throughout the world.
We all know that throughout the world or globally, consumption of tobacco is increasing everyday.
The number of people who used to consume tobacco usually create risk of their health.
We all know that tobacco is mainly a kind of material which usually create different health issue, and it can actually push a human being towards death.
Every year ‘World No Tobacco day’ is observed on 31st May.
This day is celebrated throughout the world to raise and awareness regarding the damage tobacco is causing in a human life.
According to a few reports, it has been analysed that every year over 80 lakh people used to die because of consuming tobacco.

Tobacco is also responsible for the degradation of the environment.
This day, i.e., World No Tobacco Day, was introduced by The WHO or World Health Organisation member countries, and they agreed to celebrate this every year on May 31.
Since May 31, 1987, this period used to be observed throughout the world.
According to the gathered information, it has been learnt that particularly for this year the theme “Protect The Environment” has been observed.
In this concept, the WHO or World Health Organisation has said that, “the damaging impact of tobacco industry in the environment is quite dangerous and vast. It is creating unnecessary pressure to our planet.”

Every year, the WHO or World Health Organisation used to celebrate the specific period by introducing different themes based upon which the day is observed.
In order to protect our planet from tobacco production and additionally to save the entire human ecosystem the World Health Organisation or who has introduced such a theme.
According to the information, every year WHO or World Health Organisation usually calls different organisation, honours governments and different individual people to contribute their effort in order to curb using tobacco.
For this year 2022, the World Health Organisation has chosen Jharkhand for the World No Tobacco Day.
Basically, this period is observed in India in order to create an awareness among the countrymen of why they should stop consuming tobacco.
Different health program used to be arrange the order to make educate all the people regarding how tobacco is affecting a human body.
It helps people to get rid of such habit and used to teach them different methods by which they can easily get rid of it completely.

According to research, it has been identified that consumption of tobacco can usually result to lung cancer.
Apart from cancer, different long disorder or diseases can be identified depending upon different factors.
As because this generation is usually heavy and have it of consuming or smoking cigarette day used to think that they are looking very cool.
But to be honest, there is nothing to look cool about it. It is the effective long and different organs of a human being.
According to a survey it has been identified that approximately around 80 to 90 percent of the people has been identified and diagnosed for having lung cancer because of smoking cigarette.

Tobacco is the main leading cause that why men are leaving towards death. It is also recognised as the second leading cause when both these men and women are concluded simultaneously.
So the best thing a specific human can do or take a resolution on this international period is stopping the consumption of tobacco.
It is the responsibility of every individual people to not allow any of the surrounding people to consume tobacco. Be safe and be healthy.
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